Sunday 20 January 2013

Christmas markets are  traditional market during advent in Europe. It originated from German ,the popular ones being held in Nuremberg and Dresden but there were many more in Europe. Over here nearer to Christmas we had the expatriate community organising their yearly Christmas Charity Bazaars which they held in one of the five star hotels. There were about 100 booths taking part and you will be spoilt for choice. I had been faithfully attending these bazaars annually. I enjoyed very much the festive atmosphere and being able to savour home made European cookies and cakes. Every year I and my son Jonathan look forward to attending a few of these bazaars.

Association Of British Women Christmas Charity Bazaar 2012
Yummy Cakes and Cookies

I Did Bought This Beautifully Wrapped Stollen and It was Delicious!

Booths Selling All Sort of Wares

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