Monday 5 June 2017

Beautiful Christmas fabric decorations

Last year Christmas was such a vibrant and happy occasion, it was the season when everyone was in great anticipation of meeting up with all the family members and thus having a great and enjoyable time. There were great finds in the mall too, like the handmade Christmas decorations, the Christmas trees were in various prints and it looks beautiful. Maybe this year I will start doing some of the ornaments myself.

Beautiful fabric decorations
My beautiful neice, Melissa preparing
for the Christmas gifts exchange

Tuesday 11 April 2017

Buying Gifts,Christmas 2016

Christmas 2016, was a very exciting time. I and my son Jonathan went  to check out the shopping malls. There were  a few malls that I like to visit at this time of the year, mostly because it has all the best  Christmas items for sales. Books was a popular choice for children and there were plenty of it at quite a reasonable price. Where as buying gifts for adults was always a major challenge.

Books aplenty 
 Italian Panettone and biscotti  in attractive Novelty tins

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Christmas Deco at mum's 2017

Last year Christmas was a very happy occasion because almost all of the family members managed to join in the gathering .It was celebrated in my mum's place and it was a hub of activities from morning to night , nonstop fun for the whole  family. After church  service, everyone had their own breakfast and then it was back home to start the preparation for  the day ahead .The decoration of the veranda was done a few days ahead .The live Christmas tree was the type we used when we were young and that alone triggered the nostalgic atmosphere of Christmas for everyone.

Nostalgic Christmas tree

Beautiful Wreath